Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are core values of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to becoming an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High quality teaching and research is inclusive.

Code of Conduct

The following social rules apply:

  • Be respectful towards others in what you say and do. Treating each other with respect means treating each other as equals. Comments, jokes and statements, intentional or unintentional, which denigrate and belittle others are not acceptable. Gossip, bullying, discrimination, and (sexually) inappropriate behaviour are not acceptable, either online or offline. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination against people with diasbilities and sexism are all forms of transgressive behaviour. 
  • Respect the experiences and feelings of others. It is not up to you to decide how others should feel about your words or actions.
  • Respect each other’s privacy. Talk to people, not about people.
    Only share other people’s personal information or photo’s with their explicit permission.   
  • Be an ally: Raise questions, stand by those subject to jokes and inappropriate behavior during or after an incident.
  • Take responsibility over your words and actions and apologize if you hurt someone: Don’t let yourself be dragged along by ‘liking’ inappropriate comments online or joining a chant of a crowd.

Witnessing or experiencing inappropriate behavior

Where to go if you witness or experience inappropriate behavior

Discuss your concerns with someone you know or trust; there are several channels to get support, and it’s good to start with the place you feel most comfortable with.

  • Inform the study advisor of your program, who can inform the program chair or advise on other forms of support.
  • Report your experience to the confidential advisor.
  • For questions related to diversity and inclusion, contact the D&I expertise Office or approach one of the student networks.

University facilities


Leiden University has many historical buildings, which means it may be important to inform yourself about accessibility beforehand. Information about accessing buildings, accessible bathrooms and elevators can be found on each building page:

Nursing rooms and quiet rooms

Nursing rooms and quiet rooms to decompress or pray are available in all major buildings. For an overview, see the facilities page of the D&I Office:

Gender inclusion

All educational buildings have all-gender bathrooms. Leiden University has a gender inclusive address policy: to respect gender diversity, we ask students and staff to address each other by first name or full name; the use of “Mr., Mrs. or Ms.” in emails and other communications is not necessary. Check out the guide underneath for more information.

Menstrual products, Billie cups and other products in vending machines

There are vending machines in all educational buildings with some basic necessities. Menstrual products can be obtain for 50 cents a pack. A list of vending machines is available here: